Our latest Brief Encounter adventure, United In War by Ian Cai Mercer has now been released.

In this adventure, the TARDIS brings the Doctor, Susan, Ian, and Barbara to a craft en route to Station Zenox, a neutral outpost established in the 61st century to resolve the powder-keg of trouble to which this region of space has been prone.

It is a desperate time in galactic history: the outset of the Third Intergalactic Peace Conference. Four mighty empires—the Dexian Protectorate, the Lamin, the Sass’Japham, and the Medusoids—stand in dispute, and their enmity is unwavering. They are welcomed aboard by a man named Korlek, who needs the Doctor to conduct the conference.

Can peace be achieved? Is Korlek a friend or a foe? And will the Doctor withstand a persistent mind probe?

United In War is available to download free in a PDF document which can be read on your desktop, laptop, tablet or e-Reader. Download the story from the TDWP website.
